~ Current News and Upcoming Items of Interest ~
The 2025 pageant rules and application form for Queen, Princess, and Prince are now on the Royalty Contest page.
Members are excitedly planning for the 55th annual Czech Festival at Pla-Mor Ballroom in Lincoln on Sunday, May 4. It is a free event with something for everyone. Come Czech us out!
The Czech/American Reading Circle is thrilled to begin their seventh year this month. Meetings are held on ZOOM the last Tuesday of each month (except for December). Contact Lois Shimerda Rood at lois@loisrood.com for more information.
The Czech Conversation Club is in full swing, too. ZOOM meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month. Contact Mila-Saskova-Pierce at masaskova-pierce1@unl.edu for more information.
Nebraska Czechs of Lincoln, Inc. were instrumental in getting a Czech Heritage license plate approved, which went into effect January 1, 2025. The Czech license plate application is now available through the DMV, https://dmv.nebraska.gov/services, or your county clerk.
* It’s here! At long last the Nebraska Czech Heritage License Plate Legislative Bill 140 was signed
into law by Governor Jim Pillen at the Wilber-Clatonia High School on Sunday, August 4 during the Annual
Czech Festival in Wilber. Among those participating in the signing ceremony from the left are Ondrej Pometlo,
Deputy Consul General of the Czech Republic in Chicago; Dr. Mila Saskova-Pierce, Honorary Consul of the
Czech Republic in Lincoln; Governor Jim Pillen; Debbie Spanyers, Saline County Treasurer; District 32 Senator
Tom Brandt; and Wilber Mayor Roger Chrans. The nationally renowned artist, Jim Cantrell, who grew up in
Wilber, designed the License Plate featuring homesteaders with the Czech flag and words at the bottom
saying, My Czech Home-Domov Muj demonstrating people leaving their homeland but not abandoning their
culture to create new lives in Nebraska.
* The Czech Language Foundation's annual banquet date will be determined soon. It is usually held in October in Lincoln. Contact CLF President Layne for more information on this, or please visit the
Czech Language Foundation website.
* Congratulations to Miss Nebraska Czech Slovak 2024-2025 Runner Up, none other than our 2023-
2024 Lincoln Queen Iva Volf.
* Are you interested in becoming a Nebraska Czechs of Lincoln member? It's downright fun, educational
* Our General Membership Meeting is on the 2nd Friday of the month at Hy-Vee @ 84th & Holdrege.
Please see our Meetings Page for further details.
* Have a look at our Nebraska Czechs of Lincoln Monthly and Archived Newsletters & some other stuff too!
* Please take a look at our Links Page for 'Links & Information to all things Czech including culture, history, genealogy, travel/tourism, language, arts, food & drink, and a whole lot more!
Dobrý den, rád vás vidím! Jsme Nebraska Češi z Lincolnu propagující naše hrdé české dědictví. Podívejte se prosím na naše webové stránky a užijte si vše, co musíme sdílet. Naše stránky pravidelně aktualizujeme. Navštivte nás prosím brzy znovu. Děkuju!
We are the Nebraska Czechs of Lincoln and are One of Twelve chapters that make up Nebraska Czechs Incorporated. For information on meetings, membership and other information about the club, please refer to the tabs on the upper left hand side of this page.